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Jan 17, 20223 min read
Is it OK to feel that you are the centre of everything?
Is it narcissistic to see yourself as the centre of the universe? Hello fellow Protagonists, It has been a long time! If you are...
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Oct 26, 20213 min read
The ego of my dead body
But my dead body is special isn't it? Hello fellow Protagonists, The traditional question we may ask each other is "When you die do you...
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Jul 24, 20214 min read
To be uncertainly free
An argument to ditch certainty in life Hello fellow Protagonists, Adding on from other posts, let's interject with another concept around...
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Jul 17, 20213 min read
This is what was missing to finally build wealth.
How spiritual development can lead you to building wealth Hello fellow Protagonists, Who out there has read a personal finance book or...
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Jul 4, 20214 min read
Pleasure and Pain
How pleasure is followed by pain and the difference between pleasure and joy Hello fellow Protagonists, We want pleasure and at the same...
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Jul 2, 20213 min read
Why nobody else can "make" you a more spiritual person
The search for spirituality through another Hello fellow Protagonists, Who can make us more spiritual people? Is it the Buddhist monks,...
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Jun 14, 20213 min read
Is this it?
A thought that sounds bad but could be the start of something epic! Hello fellow Protagonists, How many of us have looked around at the...
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May 18, 20214 min read
I don't know who I am, do you?
The wonders of the form and the formless Hello fellow Protagonists, Is there a reason why so many of us are unsure of who we really are?...
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May 15, 20214 min read
Time and time again
The two forms of time and a common time trap that prevents true happiness Hello fellow Protagonists, We boot up the computer and open up...
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May 10, 20214 min read
It all begins with death
How thinking about death is the key to our personal development Hello fellow Protagonists If there was one concept to contemplate and...
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May 1, 20215 min read
Curb your ego
A brief intro to what the ego is Hello fellow Protagonists, If somebody comments that a certain person "has a bit of an ego" what image...
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Apr 26, 20214 min read
Can personal development work without a spiritual balance?
What can happen when our success outpaces our spiritual development Hello fellow Protagonists, How do we know when we are ready for...
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Apr 18, 20213 min read
Is the law of attraction a dangerous form of spirituality?
What is the law of attraction and how does it differ to other spiritual teachings. Hello fellow Protagonists, "Think positive things and...
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Apr 5, 20213 min read
Thoughts on a random Monday
On purpose, possessions and service Hello fellow Protagonists, Another great episode of Rich House Poor House last night with a 21 year...
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Mar 28, 20214 min read
Why a non-religious person will be reading the Bible
A plan to read the oldest self-help book on my shelf Hello fellow Protagonists, Despite always having a copy in every house lived in from...
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Nov 24, 20205 min read
Where do you find your soul?
A different take on our ideas of the soul and immortality Hello fellow Protagonists, Try this out for me, point to your soul. Where in...
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Nov 17, 20204 min read
5 quotes from Alan Watts that will change your life
Have we got things backwards? Hello fellow Protagonists, Alan Watts was a Philosopher who although spent the majority of his life in...
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Nov 10, 20203 min read
A powerful reminder about decision making
What if my decision backfires and I end up making things worse? Hello fellow Protagonists, When we have big decisions to make it can be...
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Oct 29, 20205 min read
Why some of our achievements do not feel fulfilling
Why focusing on fulfillment as a whole is more helpful than just our achievements Hello fellow Protagonists, I have been thinking...
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Oct 13, 20204 min read
Two new takes on the meaning of real freedom
A different perspective on where freedom comes from Hello fellow Protagonists, Sitting down with a cup of Yorkshire Tea Gold, with pen...
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